Sun-Moon-And The Stars Mobile by Crayola


Crayola Glitter finger paints: Yellow, Pink, Greem and Lime
Craila Washable Red Marker
Crayola Scissors
Crayola So Big Brush
Clear transite Thread (fishing line)
Craft Glue
Hole Punch
White Poster Board
Paper Plates (for each color paint as a palette)


1> Cut poster board into 8 x 10 pieces for each color of paint.

2> Place large amount of paint on paper plate. USe a Crayola So Big
Brush to spread paint onto 8 x 10 in poster board piece, covering entire
area. After first side is dry, repeat on the other side. Do this
for all colors. Use new peice of poster board for each color.

3> When dry, cut shapes out of poster board. The moon is yellow and
the stars color as you like.

4> Punch a hole in the bottom of moon and top and bottom of a star and
attach with clear thread. See GIF for placement. Use your imagination
and make the mobile as detailed as you like.

5> Glue eyes to moon and draw mouth with marker.

6> Tie thread at top to hang


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