Thank you for visiting Karen's office! I'm Siggy, short for SIgma, and my responsibility is morale. My wife, Delta, is also here, but she is a bit camera shy. Things are a little strange for me right now, because I'm actually at Karen's home while she is finding her next job. Unfortunately, her previous company folded in the middle of October, so we are job hunting with a vengeance! I'm a Betta, otherwise known as a Siamese Fighting Fish. Karen enjoys
having our kind around - we're easy to care for and can live quite nicely
in a desk-sized fishbowl.f you want to know more about fish, please visit
Karen's work is quite interesting - she seems to enjoy being in the online industry. It gets a little hectic at times, when deadlines approach or when several things need to be done at once, but Karen tells me it gets boring without variety. She highly recommends getting into the Internet startup world for those who can take it - the opportunities are great.